Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Simple Times

Written by Elnora Merrill Pace.

I've always said "I come from a long line of sitters!" Our family enjoys sitting and visiting and it seems we always have. My most constant memory of my grandparents is of visiting them in their trailer with Grandma in her chair and Grandpa across from her in his chair. We would visit quietly, or read the newspaper (actually just the comics), or watch Little House on the Prairie or The Price is Right with them. (My grandparents had a television and we did not so this was a luxury!)

My grandparents were 70 and 74 when I was born so they really weren't up for too much more than this. Although my memories are quiet memories of my grandparents, they were wonderful memories all the same. I am so glad they lived next to us and I had the opportunity to visit with them daily.

Grandpa was quite the tease--just look at that twinkle in his eye! He also used to sit there with a toothpick in his mouth (he might have one in his mouth in this picture--hard to see) and pull on his eyebrows. They would get quite long and grandma would have to trim them. Grandpa would also sing silly little songs to us. One song he used to sing would result in him "rattling our ears".

There was a little man
and he had a little gun
and his bullets were made
of lead, lead, lead.

He went to the brook
and shot a little duck
right through the
head, head, head.

Took it home to his wife Joanne
Told her what he had done
She beat him with a ladle
as long as she was able
and rattled his ears like
a drum, drum, drum!

Nichole remembers a birthday where she opened a present from grandpa that was a glass bottle with bailer twine wrapped all around it. He was so serious that she thought it was an actual gift so she said "thank you" which resulted in grandpa laughing. Always the tease!

Seeing them in their chairs takes me back to yesterday and I can almost picture myself sitting on the couch between them "hearing" what was always felt but never said, "I love you!"

(Note: The room is flipped in Grandpa's picture. )


  1. that's what i thought too when i saw grandpa.
    i remember a song about a little boy who had a little gun and something about a duck and he "paddled his ears like a drum, drum, drum". and he would paddle our ears, but i don't remember exactly how it goes-i'll ask dad, i bet he remembers it.
    grandpa was such a tease-one birthday he gave me a glass bottle with baler-twine all around it:)and he was so serious when i opened it that i thought it really was the present and said "thank you" then he started to laugh!

  2. Thanks for sharing some of your memories. I'll have to add them to the main section so when I print this, your memories will be there too!

  3. I too love the memory of price is right and Little House on the Prairie. I own the entire DVD collection (9 seasons I think). I think more than the show itself it is the memory of watching it with them that made is so special. Grandpa was a tease and I love all these pictures capture that.
